Monday, April 25, 2011

@LakeExpress season is delayed until May 23rd, 2011 for engine maintenance; no opening day Friday, April 29th, 2011

I was looking up hotels for Milwaukee this weekend. At the start of the season, I have traditionally taken the first evening ferry out of Muskegon; this would have been my fourth observance this Friday. I have visited the city of Milwaukee six times and have started to truly feel its charm. I called to see why the web page didn't allow reservations, and the reservation agent confirmed my worst concern. The ferry is delayed for engine maintenance. A delay taking one month for engine maintenance causes me curiosity. Could the engines have been maintained over the winter? Once the season begins, a plus for Harley loving riders is free passage for motorbikes all season long.
I hope the Lake Express company is managing. It's the eighth season, and the last two seasons have all featured discounts. Ferry service across the Great Lakes is not exactly an essential service because it is possible to drive around any one of the Great Lakes. Admittedly, it's a longer haul, but it's not as impossible as driving around the ocean. I understand Lake Ontario had ferry crossings for a short period, but those are abandoned routes. Erie is crossed by an Ontario concern. Most of the ferry companies on the south side will only take one to an American Island or maybe as far north at Pelee Island, inside Canada. Huron just has island hops, too.
The Badger doesn't make its crossings of the lake until end of May, May 26th according to the web page. So why should the Lake Express start the season early?
Lake Express
The Badger from Ludington to Manitowoc:

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