Monday, August 13, 2012

Road Rage II and a host of trucks are ripping up the asphalt east of McCracken, Sherman Road resurfacing, Muskegon MI.

The McDonald's on Sherman received a note a few weeks back alerting them to the resurfacing project, which proceeds like a heavy duty parade towards McCracken Street. I am not affected by the blockage of Sherman Road, the most dangerous street for bicycling in Muskegon. I try to stay of this east west trunk line with irregular sidewalks, high speeds and no biking lanes indicated by paint. There's no paved margin either. And this resurfacing might have been the time to put bike friendly amenities onto the road. When an event of major impact occurs in a city and reasonable citizens are found unaware, surprised, a chart could denote an error, a ding, an event of non-communication. There's no a lot of vig for keeping such a chart right now. Still, we've got cabbies grumbling about having to drive extra miles around the half closed road. We have the McDonald's operating at a lower capacity. There's value being lost here, a value that could be realized by better information.

Norton resurfacing tied up the city for months. That could have been our warm-up for better communication.

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