Tuesday, September 18, 2012

On September 17, 2012, I biked home in a light rain after dark had fallen. On the day of the Walleye, keep your eyes open for one more summer adventure. 4 days of summer remain.


I am okay when it comes to seeing at night. I have some fear of the
dark; however, I passed my life from six until seventeen living in a
house with a single nightlight in the front yard and neighbors who
lived at least a mile away. So I learned to see in the dark pretty
well on walks to the neighbors or to go fishing at night. The eye of
the walleye bulges from its socket, and it is adapted to work well in
low light conditions. A light gathering layer, the tapetum lucidum,
collects low levels of light and reflects back light. Walleye can feed
at night, and that's why fishermen on the Lake Michigan piers fish for
them at night. The fish also has a tough skin that is difficult to cut
if a piece of walleye is allowed to grow cold. I had a Walleye dinner
special from Mangos, a rum and fish bar near work. I saved the second
piece for later, and I had to peel the skin off the fillet, knocking
off the breading, in order to eat it.

I have always heard that walleye are easily spooked. That quality
requires more quiet than usual in the boat when fishing for walleyes.

Picture Credit

Walleye (Sander vitreus) from the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service. Artwork by Timothy Knepp.

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