Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Holidays from the @PureMichigan Muskegon Area Transit System, and I am on my way to Detroit, points easterly.


We have enough snow to keep the pavement wet and not enough cold to freeze the water. The roadway must be salted. Fluffies, like flurries, fall in a persistent shower. No wind gives them an edge or a reason to drift. Street here in Muskegon Heights has a full coating of snow. I like the Getty Wood, or the Get Wood as it is sometimes announced, better than I like the Sixth. The Getty Wood passes through the cemeteries, goes downtown, reaches the community college and even has a stop near the Bob Hi bowling alley and the Getty Four Drive In Movie. I am pretty determined to write a movie about my life in Muskegon called Gettywood.

A mother and her two children are taking a freshly baked, and frosted, carrot cake to their eighty eight year old grandmother. I have enjoyed picking out groups using the MATS buses. I buttonholed a pair of young folks wearing backpacks, and these backpackers lived in Muskegon proper. I was hoping to hear stories of distant lands and trials on the roads. On the Lakeshore! Harvey! run, a young woman and her partner lovingly carried off a baby snuggled up in a car seat basket. The driver gave them all the time in the world.

I am pulling up to the main bus stop where I will buy a Greyhound ticket just as far as Grand Rapids. Then I have to decide on strategy.

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