Monday, December 22, 2014

In Which Wilbo Visits Uptown Birmingham Alabama And Avoids the Zombie Killer Mead.

Birmingham Alabama has an uptown & a downtown. I've been warned away from downtown as "They Roll Up the Sidewalks Exactly at Ten, and Then All The People are Not Seen Again". It's Five PM when this downtown is said to go cold, lock up.

By the way, points are awarded if you knew I had quoted John Denver's "Saturday Night in Toledo Ohio". The song has little truth now. Toledo's stadium district has restaurants, bars and boutiques and quirk now, a good walkabout if one knows how to walk a transitional urban district safely. Stay around people. Stand up straight and be confident. Always have a destination and make sure that a place of refuge is ready, such as the previous bar or restaurant.

Downtown is dead as a doornail in Birmingham? That's at variance with a New York Times article on the revival of Birmingham's downtown. Luckily, I don't feel like bopping around a rainy, unfamiliar town in my Subaru, hence the complimentary shuttle to Uptown is my choice, Uptown being the Convention District. There's about five upscale restaurant spaces in Uptown, and the district is marked with a theater sign like the Frauenthal's, saying "UPTOWN". The lights around the border don't blink.

My plan is to check out Todd's English Pub, a Birmingham Restaurant with a Signature Chef and a Las Vegas sibling restaurant. The Westin has an adjoining lobby. This place might be too much for all I want is Hennessy's

Not bad. A new beer from Shiner Bock comes priced under three dollars for Happy Hour, expiring in six minutes.

Why this obsession with downtowns & uptowns? Well, one of my great-grandfather operated a department store in the Upper-Peninsula town of South Range, near Houghton-Hancock. My Grandmother Corrine Aino told me stories about his salesmanship. I have long accepted that I am the first generation on the wrong side of the great disconnect, where we left the Finnish language at the business sense in the past. We kept the love of writing and reading alive, thank goodness.

The house has an obsession with mead, featuring Necromangocon and Zombie Killer. I'm going to stay away from the Zombie Killer as I passed three days in New Orleans and yes, I remember it all clearly. However, what if one quaff of Zombie Killer takes me out?

Freak of the Week: Zombie Killer is from B Nektar in Ferndale, Michigan! It has to be okay to drink even if I am a zombie now because I'm a Michigander after all.

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