Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Year Ago, Father Matt Barney Raised Money for All The Homeless Men in Beardtown, Muskegon @PureMichigan

Father Matt has a built-in constituency when it comes to popularity contests, the parishes of Mary's & St Jean's. And then, it's a fantastic beard he sports, and that's enough to explain the win. Father Matt is often raising money at Hennessy's for the poor of the community and his victory has become a rallying point for donations cross town at Pigeon Hill. So far, we have a table of toiletries and more at the parish. Day after St. Patrick's, catch Father Matt celebrity bartending at Hen's, stocking up food banks with his tips. 

Now take second place James Griswold. Fine beard, and he leads on that team of tattoo artists at Area 51. Leader of the Lumbertown Beard Barons, a club for families with a bearded one in the fold, Griswold has taken care of the flock of bearded men who must live in their beards at the Men's Homeless Shelter. Griswold knows these men need towels and wash cloths, and I've crossed his palm with cash to help out. Jimmy is a friend to all and a man of the arts, so no wonder he earned a good vote count.

Now consider that these two bearded men maintain establishments within walking distance of Hennessy's. As Muskegon grows and becomes more complex, names for sections of the downtown could arise. Anyone else feeling the name, "Beardtown"?

Will Juntunen

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