Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mile 12105: Norton Shores best strip mall includes Book Rack, Burr's Sports Connection & @DutchBakery


Hello all, I am tweeting from the romance section of the Book Rack. The owner is sitting by the register, reading. He has some white hairs in his beard, not seen when I visited first time, over three and a half years ago. Booked for the Season has survived two seasons in Lakeside, that Muskegon enclave by the store. So that is what one does when one trains as a vulcanologist and journalist. I am betting the guy here does home improvement, small quick jobs. I guess if one wants to read much of day, one might do well to make ones personal library a bookstore and open door to book swappers and sellers and bibliophiles. I once had a great library, but I have given most of it away. Books have an intrinsic value, but just try to get more than a dollar for a book after paying twenty nine dollars for it. Might as well limit ones reading to the free racks popping up every where, even at the Muskegon County Airport. One can swim in free books on the net, thank you and damn you Project Gutenberg. Oh yeah, the fellow running this store gets to sit with his bird dog all day, and having a dog at work has been a job perk only for the lucky, high powered sales and executive types. Well, it's time to run back to my dogless desk.

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