Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ninety are watching simulcast of #TEDxMuskegon. BIG IDEA: Muskegon Downtown Canal. Gondolas anyone?


Ruth Bloomquist has finished singing her signature song, "I'm a Michigan Girl".
Alan Steinman ran through enough water stats to float a boat. He's letting us dream about a canal passing through downtown Muskegon. Ask him if producing corn ethanol is a good use of water. Totally cleaning up the Great Lakes and fixing its habitat is a 75 billion dollar win for around 10 billion.
Ebony Davis delivered a beautiful rap, with rhymes, about conquering low self esteem and reaching out to our youth.
Fireman Chris Drake has painted all the fire hydrants red close to his home in the Nelson Neighborhood. But he can't cut the lawn of the 130 vacant homes in that neighborhood. He's busily street sweeping near Mia and Grace.
Amanda and Brad Kik talk about the advantage of knowledge over information, the sacred over science. They've been assisted by the work of Gary Snyder, Aldo Leopold and a Bellaire native named only the Busdriver.
Motivational speaker Rich Lohman warmed up the audience by teaching them Woo-Hooing. It's the opposite of Boo-Hooing and it leads to blasting through problems by Ka-Powwing.
I guess breaks are covered by taking tapes out of the Ted archives. Seth Godin earlier. Not sure who is the current man speaking.
The feed was preluded by short videos of civic leaders talking what a thriving city means to them: Richard Carlson, Linda Juarez, Mary Ferriby, Amy Heisser, Gary Nelund, Dale Nesbary, Mr. Olthoff, President of Nichols.
Watch the Live Feed.

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