Saturday, September 17, 2011

Signs said free coffee & doughnuts at The Lube Shop in Muskegon MI Sat. Mile 13655. It's true.


Wow, a free continental breakfast awaits anyone who stops at the Lube Shopper, a cuppa and a @GoWesco donut. One day is ladies's day. One day is seniors's day. Today is free donuts day. The manager is looking for a sign spinner, but that class of showman is in short supply in Muskegon. The check cashing business has cornered the market, it seems to me. In LA, the sign spinner is actually a lower rung of the show biz ladder, and real casting agents go driving by the sign spinners, especially between Hollywood and the ocean. I would love to see a world where ladies's day at the lube shop meant more than ten percent off. What about a day when a woman mechanic gave visiting women a twenty point checkup or an enterprising auto dealer put struggling moms driving a bomber into new rides for an affordable price. How does one flex the laws of publicity and economics to make that happen. Once, I listened to a business consultant and a woman mechanic discuss a woman run garage franchise. It never happened in Michigan, as far as I can tell. The Lube Shop celebrates one half year in business & I am grateful this shop building has come back to life.

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