Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Wilbo Drinks a Kolsch, the Cathedral Beer, and Reflects Upon A Man Who Made @UnrulyBrewing His Cathedral.

Paid a visit to Unruly Brewing to review Mike Brown's life in pictures, lovingly collaged on the stage that entertained his friends and he for two years of shows. I drank to his memory with a kolsch because the kolsch always brings to mind the cathedral, a gathering place where the best of our hopes are raised in word and song. One of my favorite books, written by Raymond Carver, has the title Cathedral. Cathedral was just one of the minimalist stories, making fiction out of the smallest events. In a paper, I tried to prove that all the stories were linked by a Cathedral moment, characters gathered briefly to assist, understand and support one another. 

If so, this was Mike Brown's cathedral, where I was always sure of his welcome, his handshake and his smile. I can drink a kolsch, the Cathedral beer, to that idea. Sad to lose one of the first personalities of the new Muskegon as we approach Thanksgiving. Bittersweet to remember all those brief conversations that make townies friends. Leave it to Jimmy Griswold, another first personality, to capture the memorial's spirit in a single snapshot.

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