Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Greyhound Bus Station stands near downtown Detroit and close to John King Books, with many floors of used books.


A woman bearing child was talking on her cellphone, three blond haired children, two to her right and one to her left. She looked around twenty-five and not a year older, and she was blond and attractive. She was describing the children over the phone, so I assume she was calling a shelter or some kind of social service. She was out front of the station, viewing Howard Street, and not in line for the Albany or Muskegon bus departing around 12:10 PM, so I assume she and her children had arrived by a morning bus. In the Albany line at bay eight, a few men in hats and Amish blue shirts queued and looked at the floor. In the Muskegon line, a number of neat looking women with backpacks and iPhones awaited a lift back to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor or Michigan State University in East Lansing. One talked with a man in a grey tee shirt she didn't embrace or kiss when he left her.

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