Monday, October 3, 2011

Martha Kroll, @GHArtWalk artist can design your tie, paint your house or solve your information technology problems for good.

Martha Kroll has multiple talents. At last year's ArtWalk awards party, held at the Tri-Cities Museum, the director of our museum wore a snappy bowtie. It had an old-fashioned touch to it; however, it wasn't your grandfather's bowtie. The pattern was complex, colorful and modern. At one of the tall cocktail tables, I met a woman and man wearing the same stylish type of tie, and I had found my story. Before me, Martha Kroll and her partner talked about her bow ties and art work. Beau Ties Limited of Vermont arranges with Martha to change her watercolors into ties. I've include a link so you can see for yourself. Kroll's ties are no ordinary haberdashery; Beau Ties weaves them of authentic silk twill. So Kroll goes from the cotton canvas to silk twill in a single bound.
I was glad to see Martha's work upstairs at Tri-Cities museum. As of this week, Tri-Cities has two art exhibits in place, assuming the hanging banner for Semper Paratus is correct and indicative at the train station.  ArtWalk is on display at the Akeley Building and the Coast Guard Art of Brian Snuffer is on display at the train station. Or at least, I hope so. The show deserved an extended run.
I wish I could hire Martha Kroll today. In a unprecendented move, I have chosen to attach Martha's resume to my note about her. If you are looking for a colorful consultant who weaves magic in Information Technology, give Martha Kroll a call. She'll show up dressed in a snappy outfit, sleeves rolled up and bowtie superbly tied.
The Captain's Web Notes Follow:

Martha Kroll Watercolors
Martha Kroll Inspired Bowties or, Nome,  Nome, Nome, Nome, Nome, Nome, Nome:
Brian David Snuffer is a member of an association of military artists. We are lucky to have him on display in Coast Guard City:

mk_resume.doc Download this file


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